
I am, as I’m sure many people are, at a crossroads in my life. Ok, crossroads is a bit extreme, but I am at a point in my life where I’m trying to balance my professional career with my dream career. Professionally speaking, I am an advertising copywriter. And I’m getting better at it, and it is a job I like, and I don’t wake up with dread every morning, as has happened with previous careers.

That said, I have had dreams of becoming a filmmaker since I was 15. Anyone who knows me knows that I love movies–making them, watching them, talking about them, whatever. But it’s a dream. It’s literally a dream. It’s like any other creative endeavor–very few make a living at it, and very many try.

So where do you draw the line in the sand that says I’m putting this dream away forever, or I’m chucking it all and going for broke? I don’t know the answer, I’m asking you. Can dreams be fully suppressed? Are dreams unpursued considered grounds for an unfulfilled life? Stay tuned true believers. The quest continues.